Before submitting an article, please review this information. This opportunity to express your voice is very important. It is the responsibility of the author to determine if they are permitted to share the submitted content.
Thank you in advance for contributing to the advancement of the law enforcement profession. Articles & stories can be submitted by current, retired, or former law enforcement of any rank. Content will be published on the Voice of Police website & may be shared on social media.
One must not be an excellent writer to publish an article or story through Assistance is available if you would like help. Submitting the article submission form constitutes approval for publishing. will automatically review & correct any obvious spelling or grammar errors. A minimum of the title & name of the author, & title of the article will be published with each article. Example: The Good Moments by Officer James Smith.
Articles & stories should not contain identifying information of other individuals without permission for their privacy. We are interested in publishing your voice related to topics that interest you. All articles & stories must be appropriate to a reasonable person standard. We will notify you when you article or story is published. We do not guarantee the publishing of your content if it does not meet the listed standards.
The target audience of the article must be law enforcement and/or law enforcement families because that is the design of the website. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:
(1) Mental health and wellness
(2) Peer support
(3) Enforcement of the law
(4) Investigating crimes and apprehending offenders
(5) Crime prevention
(6) Police recruitment and retention
(7) Police accountability
(8) Technology
(9) Social media
(10) Leadership
(11) Community policing
(12) K-9
(13) Less lethal devices
(14) Policy
(15) The media
(16) De-escalation
(17) Use of force
(18) Terrorism
(19) Mass casualty incidents
(20) Women in law enforcement
(21) Training
(22) School resource officers
(23) Crime Scene processing
(24) Law enforcement inspiration
(25) Appropriate feel good stories
(26) Loss, grief, or PTSD of officer
(27) Police stories
Article requirements
(1) The article or story must be original
(2) List any references and websites used at the end of the submitted article
(3) You may include a short biography and a photograph of yourself if you wish
(4) Each article or story must be less than 3,000 words. Please include any related photographs